Superintendent: Dr. Mancha 325-766-3629
Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction: Tecka Heaps 325-766-3327
Business Manager: Sabrina Bishop 325-766-3629
HR / Payroll / Superintendent and Administration Secretary: Melissa Garcia 325-766-3629
Secondary Principal: Brittany Arellano 325-766-3327
Elementary Principal: Lindsay Freeman 325-766-3323
Assistant Principal: Heather Greenwood 325-766-3327
Early Childhood Principal: Katherine Jackson 325-766-2220
Higher EdCoordinator: Vanessa Galvan325-766-3327
Dean of College Readiness: Heather Greenwood 325-766-3327
Athletic Director: Jake Freeman 325-766-3327
Technology Director: Julie Villa 325-766-3327
Secondary Counselor: Heather Ward 325-766-3327
Elementary Counselor: Kelcee Drake 325-766-3323