Roscoe Collegiate High School-Dress and Grooming
The district’s dress code teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, and minimizes
safety hazards. Students and parents may determine a student’s personal dress and grooming
standards, provided that they comply with the following:
In preparation for life after secondary education, students should learn that the context of the
situation might dictate the appropriateness of dress and personal appearance. School is a
business environment designed to prepare students to excel in the world of work and future
educational institutions. Accordingly, the standard of dress and grooming required is set to that
purpose. Requiring students to follow these dress and grooming standards contributes toward
their preparation for future endeavors.
Roscoe Collegiate High School feels that there is a direct correlation between student
appearance, attitude, and student performance. Clothing that is too casual or distracting has an
adverse effect on learning. Modesty is key, as the district’s dress and grooming standards are
established to prevent disruption, teach grooming and hygiene expectations, and increase
safety and learning.
We also believe that the dress code should prepare the student for the rules of dressing in the
workplace in the future. At school activities dress must be appropriate to the occasion. Those
not dressed appropriately may be asked to leave, call for a change of clothing, or will be given
clothing to change into for the day.
The district’s dress code teaches grooming and hygiene, prevents disruption, and minimizes
safety hazards.
Tops, Blouses, Shirts, Dress
- No see-through blouses, shirts or dresses will be worn
- Tank tops can only be worn as an undershirt
- No sundresses, spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, crop tops, strapless or low cut tops will
be worn without a shirt underneath
- No sleeveless tops with large or gaping armholes will be worn without a shirt
- No revealing low cut tops, shirts, blouses, or dresses
- Shirts must cover midriff at all times
- No oversized (hanging off the shoulder) tops, blouses, shirts, or dresses will be worn
Shorts, Pants, Skirts, and Dresses
- Shorts, dresses, or skirts must extend beyond the tips of fingers when arms are relaxed
at the shoulder
- Slits in skirts will need to start from below the fingertip
- No biker or tight fitting spandex type shorts
- No boxer shorts or inappropriate wind shorts will be worn
- Pajama pants are prohibited. Excessively loose clothing that results in sagging are
- Pants will fit in the waist, length and seat. Belts, when needed, should fit around the
waist or must be worn appropriately. Excessively loose clothing that results in sagging
are prohibited
- Tights/Leggings can be worn but must have a shirt or blouse that is fingertip length over
the leggings
- Holes in pants and shorts need to be below the fingertips unless the holes are patched
- Slippers, slides, flip-flops, shower shoes, and house shoes will not be allowed
- Startling, unusual, or immodest attire of any sort shall not be permitted
- Items that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, and obscene are prohibited. This includes, but is
not limited to items depicting nudity, vulgarity, or profanity.
- Items that advertise, or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other
substance prohibited under FNCF (legal).
- Proper undergarments must be worn at all times and should not be visible.
- Hair must be neatly groomed, cleaned, and out of your eyes.
- Facial hair must be neatly groomed and clean.
- Hats, caps, picks, combs, hoods on jackets, sweatbands or headbands, bandanas,
beanies, and toboggans are prohibited in the classroom or school building.
- To avoid substantial disruption of the educational program and to promote safety and
order, items that depict or imply ethnic or racial hatred or prejudice are prohibited (e.g.
confederate flags, swastikas, Ku Klux Klan, Black Panther, Neo-Nazi, Black Power,
ArianNation, or other hate groups).
- ID Badges must be visible and on the student at all times.
1st period teachers will be instructed to check for dress code compliance. If students are out of
compliance, students will be asked to call home for a change of clothing.Where there is a
question regarding dress or grooming the principal’s decision will be final. If the problem cannot
be corrected at school, the principal will work with the student and parent to obtain an
acceptable change of clothing for the student in a way that minimizes loss of instructional time
Administrators may use their discretion in questions concerning the dress and grooming code..
The principal shall have the authority to designate a stricter code for certain activities.
Repeated violation of the dress and grooming code by a student will be considered to be
insubordination and will subject the student to escalating disciplinary consequences.
Students spectators at extracurricular events will need to meet the Roscoe Collegiate High
School Dress and Grooming Code during all extra-curricular activities before, during, and after
school. Students will be asked to leave if they are not in code. It is the responsibility of all school
personnel to enforce the dress code.