School Nurse: Hillary Foreman

    Influenza vaccines may be obtained from your family physician or from the Sweetwater-Nolan County Health Department, located at 301 East 12th, Sweetwater, TX, or call (325) 235-5463.

    All parents are asked each year to complete a medical care authorization form, providing written parental consent to obtain emergency treatment and information about allergies to medications or drugs. Parents should contact the school nurse to update emergency care information (name of doctor, emergency phone numbers, allergies, etc.). The district may consent to medical treatment, which includes dental treatment, if necessary, for a student if: the district has received written authorization from a person having the right to consent; that person cannot be contacted; and that person has not given the district actual notice to the contrary. The emergency care authorization form will be used by the district when a student’s parent or authorized designee is unable to be contacted. A student may provide consent if authorized by law or court order. Regardless of parental authorization for the district to consent to medical treatment, district employees will contact emergency medical services to provide emergency care when required by law or when deemed necessary, such as to avoid a life-threatening situation.

    Illness/Health Screening
    Health screenings are recommended prior to any individual entering a school building or school vehicle. Employees are required to perform a self-screening prior to work that includes taking their own temperature. Parents/Guardians are required to perform a screening prior to sending their child to school each day. If any individual has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, shows symptoms of: feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit; loss of taste or smell; cough; difficulty breathing; shortness of breath; chills; shaking or exaggerated shivering; significant muscle pain or ache; vomiting or diarrhea. If a student is sick or does not feel well with any of the following symptoms (or combination of symptoms) please contact the school to let them know your child will be absent. Furthermore, if your child exhibits any of these symptoms or combination of these symptoms, while at school, they may be sent home until symptom-free for 24 hours. If it is determined that a student needs to be sent home from school, the nurse will contact the parent. The district is required to report certain contagious (communicable) diseases or illnesses to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) or our local/regional health authority. The school nurse can provide information from DSHS on these notifiable conditions. The school nurse is available to answer any questions for parents who are concerned about whether or not their child should stay home.

    Spinal Screenings

    School-based spinal screening helps identify adolescents with abnormal spinal curvature at an early stage, when the curve is mild and may go unnoticed. Early detection is key to controlling spinal deformities. Spinal screening is non-invasive and conducted in accordance with the most recent, nationally accepted and peer-reviewed standards.All students who meet the Texas Department of State Health Services criteria will be screened for abnormal spinal curvature before the end of the school year. As appropriate, students will be referred for follow-up with their physician. For information on spinal screening by an outside professional or exemption from spinal screening based on religious beliefs, see district policy FFAA(LEGAL).

    Medications at school



    All medications should be turned in to the main office or the nurse's office.  Medication must be brought to the main office or school nurse by the parent or guardian. The medication will NOT be accepted from the student. Medicine must be in the original container, whether it is over-the-counter medicine or prescription medicine.  Before we can give any medication to a student at school, we must have a medication permission form signed by the parent or guardian. Children should NEVER carry medicine with them at school, unless it is an asthma inhaler prescribed by the doctor to be carried at school.  Diabetic students are also allowed to carry their diabetic equipment with them at school. The medication will not be accepted from the student. At the end of the school year, it is the parent or guardians responsibility to pick up the student’s medication. The medication will not be released with the student. Failure to collect your student’s medication at the end of the school year will result in the nurse safely disposing of the medication.

    A student with asthma or anaphylaxis may possess and self administer prescription asthma or anaphylaxis medicine while on school property or at a school-related event or activity if:

    • The medicine has been prescribed for that student as indicated by the prescription label on the medicine;

    • The student has demonstrated to the student’s physician or other licensed health care provider and the school nurse, if available, the skill level necessary to self-administer the prescription medication, including the use of any device required to administer the medication;

    • The self-administration is done in compliance with the prescription or written instructions from the student’s physician or other licensed health care provider; and 

    A parent/guardian of the student provides to the school:

    • Written authorization, signed by the parent, for the student to self-administer the prescription medicine while on school property or at a school-related event or activity; and

    • A written statement, signed by the student’s physician or other licensed health care provider, that states

    • That the student has asthma or anaphylaxis and is capable of self-administering the medicine;

    • The name and purpose of the medicine;

    • The prescribed dosage for the medicine;

    • The times at which or circumstances under which the medicine may be administered; and The period for which the medicine is prescribed. The physician’s statement must be kept on file in the school nurse’s office, or, if there is no school nurse, in the office of the principal of the school the student attends.

    Immunization/Vaccine information


    A student must be fully immunized against certain diseases or must present a certificate or statement that, for medical reasons or reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, the student will not be immunized. For exemptions based on reasons of conscience, only official forms issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Immunization Branch, can be honored by the district. This form may be obtained online at Affidavit Request for Exemption from Immunization or by writing the DSHS Immunization Branch (MC 1946), P.O. Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347. The form must be notarized and submitted to the principal or school nurse within 90 days of notarization. Only the original copy will be accepted. If the parent is seeking an exemption for more than one student in the family, a separate form must be provided for each student. 

    The immunizations required for Kindergarten through 12th grade are: Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; Polio; Measles, Mumps, and Rubella; Hepatitis B; Varicella (chicken pox); Meningococcal; Hepatitis A. 

    Kindergarten through 12th grade: K-12 Immunization Minimum Requirements

    PK3 and PK4 students: Childcare/PK Immunization Minimum Requirements

    The school nurse can provide information on immunization requirements. Proof of immunization may be established by personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation. The nurse will review immunization records and notify the parent or guardian of missing vaccinations. The student must be up to date on the required vaccines. Failure to do so could result in unenrollment from RCISD. If a student should not be immunized for medical reasons, the student or parent must present a certificate signed by a U.S. registered and licensed physician stating that, in the doctor’s opinion, the immunization required is medically contraindicated or poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of the student or a member of the student’s family or household. This certificate must be renewed yearly unless the physician specifies a lifelong condition.

    Entering college students must also, with limited exception, furnish evidence of having received a bacterial meningitis vaccination within the five years prior to enrolling in and attending classes at an institution of higher education. A student wanting to enroll in a dual credit course taken off campus may be subject to this or other vaccination requirements. For more information see the DSHS website: Texas School & Child Care Facility Immunization Requirements.

    The Sweetwater - Nolan County Health Department provides immunizations and flu vaccines. The department can be found at 301 E. 12th Street in Sweetwater, Texas 79556. Their phone number is: 325-235-5463. 

    Epinephrine and Narcan

    EpiPens and Narcan will be available for emergency use during school hours. This medication will only be administered by the school nurse or trained personnel. If an individual is experiencing signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction or a drug overdose, call 9-1-1 and the student’s parents. 

    An EpiPen (epinephrine) may be administered to an individual if a suspected severe allergic reaction is taking place. Contact the nurse if the following signs and symptoms are present:

    • Hives

    • Swelling of the face or tongue

    • Shortness of breath

    • Wheezing

    • Blue coloring around lips

    • Difficulty swallowing

      If an individual Epinephrine or Narcan is administered emergency services will be notified and the individual will be transported to the hospital via EMS.

    Vision and hearing screening is required by state law for PK, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade, and 7thst grade students. If your child fails the 1st screening test, a 2nd will be performed about 2 weeks later. If they fail the 2nd one, you will be notified. Please do not let finances be the reason you do not follow up on a recommendation for optometrist or audiology appointment. There are several civic clubs such as the Lions Club which will help provide these services.

    Spinal screening is required for 5th grade and 8th grade students. You will be notified ahead of time so that appropriate clothing can be worn. Privacy will be maintained during the screening process, and you are welcome to accompany your student for the evaluation if you or they prefer.


    To address the care of a student with a seizure disorder while at school or participating in a school activity, a parent may submit a seizure management and treatment plan to the district before the beginning of the school year, upon enrollment of the student, or as soon as practicable following diagnosis of a seizure disorder. The required TEA seizure management and treatment form can be found here:



    In accordance with a student’s individual health plan for management of diabetes, a student with diabetes will be permitted to possess and use monitoring and treatment supplies and equipment. All diabetic medication must be brought to the nurse by a parent or guardian. The nurse will inform you what documentation is needed by your student’s doctor.


    In case of a hypoglycemic emergency, it is highly encouraged that your student with diabetes has emergency medication, such as Glucagon, available. For students in the primary grades, emergency medications should be kept in the nurse’s office. For middle school and high school students, written authorization is required from his or her parent/guardian and physician to self-carry emergency medication. Please notify the school nurse that the student is in possession of this medication and provide the documentation from the student’s physician. RCISD urges your student to keep the medication in the same spot at all times while carrying it on his or her person. If the student is in after school extracurricular activities, it is vital the student keeps the emergency medication nearby and that coaching staff is aware of the emergency medication location.

    Asthma and severe allergic reactions


    A student with asthma or severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) may possess and use prescribed asthma or anaphylaxis medication at school or school-related events only if he or she has written authorization from his or her parents and a physician or other licensed health-care provider. The student must also demonstrate to his or her health-care provider and the school nurse the ability to use the prescribed medication, including any device required to administer the medication. If the student has been prescribed asthma or anaphylaxis medication for use during the school day, the student and parents should discuss this with the school nurse or principal.

    Psychotropic drugs


    A psychotropic drug is a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication. It is intended to have an altering effect on perception, emotion, or behavior and is commonly described as a mood- or behavior-altering substance.

    District employees are prohibited by state law from doing the following:

    • Recommending that a student use a psychotropic drug

    • Suggesting a particular diagnosis

    • Excluding from class or school-related activity a student whose parent refuses to consent to a psychiatric evaluation or to authorize the administration of a psycho­tropic drug to a student

    Head lice is very common among children. Although not an illness or a disease, it spreads easily through head-to-head contact during play, sports, nap time, and when children share things like brushes, combs, hats, and headphones. The district does not require or recommend that students be removed from school because of lice or nits. If careful observation indicates that a student has head lice, the school nurse will contact the student’s parent to discuss a treatment plan using an FDA-approved medicated shampoo or cream rinse that may be purchased from any drug or grocery store. After the student undergoes one treatment, the parent should contact the school nurse to discuss the treatment used. The nurse can also offer additional recommendations, including subsequent treatments, how best to get rid of lice, and how to prevent lice from returning. The district will provide notice to parents of elementary school students in an affected classroom without identifying the student with lice. More information on head lice can be obtained from the DSHS website Managing Head Lice in School Settings and at Home.

    TEA Health Safety discipline

    National Association of School Nurses

    Accidental student insurance

    Accident Insurance is provided to cover all students during the school day and while participating in extracurricular activities.  The insurance is supplemental and will pay benefits after the student’s primary insurance has been used.  Additional low-cost accident insurance may be purchased annually by the parent/guardian.



    State law prohibits students from possessing, dispensing, delivering, or administering an anabolic steroid. Anabolic steroids are for physician-prescribed medical use only. Bodybuilding, muscle enhancement, or the increase of muscle bulk or strength through the use of an anabolic steroid or human growth hormone by a healthy student is not a valid medical use and is a criminal offense.

    Sanitation supplies


    Disinfecting and cleaning products used by the custodial staff are on the Environmental Protection Agency’s list of Disinfectants for Use. Classrooms will be equipped for disinfecting between scheduled transitions and changing of student groups. Surface wipes and/or hand sanitizer will be available in multiple, easy to access locations, throughout each facility.  Electrostatic sprayers that dispense disinfectant have been acquired in order to help optimize the sanitation procedures in facilities and district vehicles. These products are stored safely, where children cannot access them, ensuring that harmful cleaning products are not used near children.

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