Superintendent -
Guillermo Mancha Jr.
Athletic Director -
Jake Freeman
Technology Director -
Julie Villa
Transportation Supervisor -
Jimmy Moses
Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction -
Tecka Heaps
Business Manager -
Sabrina Bishop
District Safety Coordinator/STEM Administrator -
Alex McCambridge
Maintenance Supervisor -
Joe Smith
HR / Payroll / Superintendent and Board Secretary
Melissa Garcia
Accounts Payable Clerk -
Kalee Rich
School Nurse -
Hillary Foreman
PEIMS/HS Attendance -
Feliciana Campa
Office Manager -
Robyn Welch
Lead Tech Technician -
Felipe Marquez
Tech Technician -
Lindsey Evans
Maintenance -
Jerry Pugh
Custodian -
Jackie Flores
Ana Islas
Pat Rangel
Linda Villa
Gus Willman
Adrianna Islas
Maria Orozco
Virginia Rengel
Lupita Villa
High School Principal -
Rebecca Mebane
HS Counselor -
Heather Ward
Higher Education Coordinator -
Vanessa Galvan
Federal Programs and District Testing Coordinator -
Sabrina Early
Instructional Coach/TIA/AVID -
Tara Moses
Assistant Principal -
Heather Greenwood
Instructional Coach/Interventionist/MTSS -
Sheila Womack
PTECH/Academic Coach -
Billy Mabane
HS Administrative Assistant -
Linda Hatcher
Instructional Coach/SRP -
SpEd -
Janie Abrigo
Angelica Bailey
JH Math/Coach -
Russell Best
Art/Drama/Coach -
Jacee Cheney
Paraprofessional -
Jack Cox
JH Science -
Stacy Floyd
Coach/8th & 9th History -
Ryan Gainey
Eng. I, II & III -
Iris Gonzalez
Jacob Haynes
Geometry -
Martin Luna
Science/Coach -
Rachel Mancha
Agriculture -
Daylyn Pakebush
Band Director -
Tommy Ray
HS Residential Sub -
Monica Talamantez
HS Girls Athletics -
Shella Arwine
Math (Algebra I & II, College Algebra, and PreCal) -
Kaitlyn Barnhill
Juanita Cisneros
Delbert Davis
Facilitator/Coach -
Billy Floyd
Career/ JH World History/Coach -
Jayden Gonzales
Ag Teacher -
Shelley Gunter
Biology & Chemistry -
Jennifer Jennings
Mandy Lara
College Spanish/College History -
Katie Ralph
Shawn Speck
Mark Wolowicz
History/Coach -
Seth Summers
Dual Credit English Teacher -
Librarian -
Elementary Principal -
Lindsay Freeman
Elementary Counselor -
Kelsey Drake
Elementary Administrative Assistant -
Christy Little
First Grade Reading -
Tiffany Roach
Second Grade Reading -
Delma Boston
Second Grade Science/Social Studies -
Brenda Menken
Third Grade Math -
Martha Espinoza
Fourth Grade Reading -
Dianna McElyea
Fourth Grade Science/Social Studies -
Kasey Williams
Fifth Grade Math -
Jessica Ughanze
Elementary Music -
Jaime Robinson
Reading Interventionist -
Krystal Acevedo
Elementary Librarian -
Kay Smith
PE/Coach -
First Grade Math -
Kristie Denton
Second Grade Math -
Lindsay Toothman
Third Grade Reading -
Andrea Barkley
Third Grade Science/Social Studies -
Rhonda Wilson
Fourth Grade Math -
Justina Morales
Fifth Grade Reading -
Tina Westbrook
Fifth Grade Science/Social Studies -
Sonia Flores
EB Teacher/Support -
Lucy Rico
Dyslexia Interventionist -
Crystal Wolowicz
Math Interventionist -
Judy Brentz
Elementary SPED -
Kim Dickson
ECC Principal -
Katherine Jackson
ECC Administrative Assistant -
Amanda Zamora
ECC 3 year olds -
Maria Montoya
ECC 4 and 5 year olds -
Kristi Martin
Stefanie McCambridge
Rosa Rocha
Jana Young
Montoya's Para -
Martin's Para -
Heather Bentle
McCambridge's Para -
Megan Cano
Rocha's Para -
Young's Para -
Maribel Orneals
ECC Floating Para -
Digital Media -
Parker Neff
Engineering (Edu-make It) -
Veronica Johnson
AG Mechanics -
Edu-Drones/Coach -
Andrew Deleon
Principle of Business/Business Management -
Jamie Maloney
Edu-Welding -
Dennis Campbell
EduVet Owner/Veterinarian/Instructor/WTC Adjunct Instructor -
Dr. Scott Snyder, DVM
LVT/CVA Instructor -
Wendy Riley
AG. Science Teacher/FFA Advisor/WTC adjunct Advisor -
Melissa Eckhardt
Science Teacher -
AG. Teacher/FFA Advisor -
Daylyn Pakebusch
Owner/Director of Repro Tex Bovine Services -
Dr. Brad Lindsey
Repro Tex E.T. Lab Manager -
Sara Huerta
Repro Tex General Manager -
Jacob Calloway
Repro Tex IVF Lab Manager -
Selma Saki
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